Friday, December 14, 2012

New place: But Cat-Grass Season has passed again

Tortoise Cat: Here we are in the next, bigger, wilder territory the Big One promised we'd inhabit so many longer whiles ago. EYOW! Truly, I am stunned, Chameleon. But Cat-Grass Season was already all but over when we arrived -- grass shoots may be bright green some wheres around here, but the flavors are napping, just like the pale yellow patches.

Chameleon: Well, let's romp through what Sun-FUN moments do dawn, then deep-cat-nap dream on through the longer dark whiles.

Tortoise Cat: Chameleon, we can romp inside, too, day or night. Look -- this shelter includes built-in mountain ledges and cliff edges!

Chameleon: Certainly, play mountain climbing and cliff diving, Tortoise Cat! Soon, maybe, the Big One will grow you some succulent cat-grass indoors.

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